احتياطات الفحص بعد تركيب طاولات وكراسي الطلاب


يعد استخدام مكاتب الطلاب والكراسي في المدارس أمرًا شائعًا جدًا. إذا لم تكن هناك مكاتب وكراسي ، فلن يتمكن الطلاب من الدراسة بشكل مريح. لذلك ، فإن البنية التحتية للمكاتب والكراسي أمر لا بد منه. الآن العديد من المدارس سوف يتم استبدال المكاتب والكراسي بانتظام بمكاتب وكراسي جديدة. يتطلب استبدال المكاتب والكراسي الجديدة التركيب. بعد التثبيت ، يلزم إجراء عمليات فحص. يمكن للطلاب استخدامها فقط إذا تم ضمان السلامة. إذن ما هي عمليات التفتيش المحددة؟ اليوم ، سيأتي المحرر ليحدثك عن الاحتياطات الخاصة بفحص مكاتب الطلاب والكراسي بعد التثبيت. لنلقي نظرة!

1. يحتاج الطلاب إلى الاهتمام بالتفتيش بعد تركيب المكاتب والكراسي

1. انتبه للتحقق من سلامة الوجه المكشوف

When installing student desks and chairs, they are also made up of several parts. Then there may be friction and friction during the installation process, which may cause problems, so after the installation is complete, we need to correct Students’ desks and chairs should be inspected as a whole, to see if the surfaces of the desks and chairs are flat and smooth, and to see if the legs of the desks and chairs are straight and normal to ensure normal use.

2, pay attention to check the stability of the desks and chairs

The stability of the desks and chairs is very important, because normal use can only be guaranteed when they are used stably. If they are unstable during use, it will affect the student’s sitting posture, and even affect the student’s Body and mind are healthy, so it is necessary to check the stability of students’ desks and chairs.

3. Pay attention to the normal usability of the check function

In addition, we all know that the desks and chairs are for storing items, the desk pockets are for books, and the chairs are for students to sit and study. Therefore, the various functions of the desks and chairs must be in place, and there is also the problem of lifting and lowering the desks and chairs. It also needs to be checked in place to avoid problems with only use in the future.
Student desks and chairs
2. Checking the installation and use of student desks and chairs

1. The desks and chairs also need to be checked during the use after installation. Check the practicability and whether the use is safe and comfortable. In addition, check whether there are malfunctions or functions that cannot be used normally. For these problems, they must be carried out in time. deal with.

2. Pay attention to the cleaning and maintenance of desks and chairs. Some stains will inevitably appear during the use of desks and chairs. We must discover these stains in time and deal with them in time to ensure a clean and tidy desk and chair surface. .

3. Pay attention to inspection and maintenance. In addition, the purpose of inspection is to find faults. If there is a fault, then it needs to be repaired, so that normal use can be guaranteed. In addition, attention should be paid to maintenance. Maintenance work is also very important. , Because poor maintenance is more likely to cause a shortened service life, so good maintenance will also extend the service life.

ما سبق هو كافة محتويات الاحتياطات الخاصة بفحص مكاتب الطلاب وكراسيهم بعد التركيب. يوضح المحتوى أعلاه أن الفحص بعد التثبيت ضروري للغاية ، لأنه فقط بعد الفحص يمكن التأكد من أنه لن تكون هناك حوادث في عملية الاستخدام ويمكن ضمان سلامة الاستخدام ، وكذلك التحقق بعناية أثناء الاستخدام ، وذلك ضمان عمر خدمة أطول. هذا كل ما يخص مشاركة محرر اليوم. إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة ، يمكنك ترك رسالة أو الاتصال للتشاور. مرحبًا بك استشارتك ورسالتك!